Literacy & Numeracy

Literacy / Numeracy


Welcome to our school's literacy program, where we help your child become a confident reader and writer! We use the latest research to make sure your child gets the best English language education possible.

In our classes, we focus on teaching your child how to read, write, speak, and listen well. Our teachers use special methods that help all kids learn, no matter what level they're at. Structured literacy is at the heart of our approach, focusing on explicit instruction in phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. Through systematic and multisensory techniques, students develop strong foundations in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

We want your child to love language and reading. That's why we create a supportive environment where every child feels comfortable learning. Our teachers are here to help your child grow and succeed. With our program, your child will build a strong foundation in English that will help them in school and beyond. We're excited to be part of your child's journey to becoming a confident communicator!


In our classes, we focus on building strong mathematical skills that last a lifetime. We teach your child how to solve problems, solve problems using sound mental strategies and remember basic number facts quickly.

Our goal is to make Maths fun and engaging! We use interactive activities to make learning exciting and enjoyable. Our teachers are experts at helping your child understand even the trickiest math concepts.

We want your child to feel confident tackling any maths problem that comes their way. That's why we focus on building mental computation skills, problem-solving abilities, and quick recall of basic number facts.

With our program, your child will develop a solid foundation in Maths that will serve them well in school and in everyday life. We're thrilled to be part of your child's journey to becoming a maths superstar!